The Words & Works of Kendra Andrus


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Kendra Andrus is a homeschooling mother who finds endless inspiration for children’s books in her everyday life with her own six children. She writes to solve their problems, answer their questions, and tell the stories of their adventures together. She loves Jesus, teaching, cooking, reading, art, poetry, dancing, and singing. Together, she and her husband manage the loud and feisty-fun chaos that is their daily life in Nashville, Tennessee.

Wild Willow Press exists to provide books that fill a spiritual need: everyday experiences are spiced with the divine, and our stories should reflect this. To be human is to be spiritual, to bear the image of God, to be loved and to love in return. Profound truth is not reserved for only the upper tiers of religion. Rather, it is accessible to us all, as near and dear to us as our own breath. This publishing company desires to make spiritual, biblical truths commonplace and woven throughout everyday lessons and life. Starting with children, who are our future (and according to Jesus, "of such is the Kingdom"), we will make this world a better place through the power of story and art - the magic of books.